

Keeping Appointments When Buying A Business – Why It’s So Important


It might seem insignificant. You had an appointment with a broker for a call or you’re supposed to do a walk through of the business after coordinating with the brokers and the seller. What’s the harm if you let everyone know you can’t make it or if you forget and don’t show?


Keeping appointments is very, very important when you are trying to buy a business. It can make or break your journey to becoming a business owner.




When you buy someone’s business you aren’t buying a simple physical object. You’re buying someone’s blood, sweat and tears. Most business sellers care a lot about who buys their business because they want the business to continue as a success. They want their employees to be happy and keep their jobs. They want the brand they started to continue in the community. 


A business buyer can’t just write a check. You need to have an amicable, professional relationship with the seller. You need them to trust you with their business. You need them to train you when you first take over. You need them to negotiate with you.


This is why it’s so crucial to keep all of your appointments in the business buying process.


Consider these thoughts:


Showing up when you said you would demonstrates commitment and professionalism.


When you’re in the process of buying a business, keeping appointments demonstrates your level of commitment and professionalism to the seller, the brokers, your prospective future commercial landlord and the like. It shows that you value their time and take the deal seriously. Consistently showing up (and showing up on time) for meetings and appointments establishes a positive impression, making it more likely that everyone involved will view you as a reliable and trustworthy part of the process.


Keeping appointments helps you build trust.


Buying a business involves a lot of negotiation and collaboration. Keeping appointments allows you to build trust and rapport with the seller. Trust is vital in a successful business transaction. It can lead to more open communication, smoother negotiations and a greater likelihood of finding solutions when inevitable problems arise. 


Respecting everyone’s schedule and time can keep the deal on track.


Time is often of the essence in the business buying process. Missing appointments can lead to delays in decision-making, which might allow competing buyers to swoop in with a better offer or the business’s situation to change unexpectedly. Appointments often need to be made by coordinating the schedules of (at the very least) you as the buyer, the seller, the seller’s broker and your broker. Rescheduling this many parties can take a lot of time – time you might not have if something changes. Staying on schedule ensures that you have the necessary information to make timely decisions, helping you seize opportunities before they slip away.


Keeping appointments might seem like a minor detail in the grand scheme of buying a business – but the impact of this simple act can’t be understated. From building trust to making informed decisions, every aspect of the business buying process is influenced by your ability to honor your commitments. 


Are you thinking about buying a business and hadn’t considered how important it it to keep appointments? Would you like to know more about why your relationship with the seller is so crucial to success? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot


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